Miami Pedestrian Accident Attorneys
As a pedestrian, if you have been injured by a car, you must seek immediate medical attention. The extent and severity of your injuries may be greater than you can imagine, and it is your priority to recover your health.
Being in an accident when you are a pedestrian can be a frightening and painful experience. You have been hit by a moving object that is much larger and heavier than you and the odds are that your injuries will be more extensive and severe than those, if any, sustained by the other driver. At the Law Offices of Jose M. Francisco, we have the legal knowledge and skill to help you fight for your rights. You may be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and losses and we are ready to hear your story. Call us today and schedule a no-obligation consultation, there is no time to waste.
Common Injuries When Pedestrians Are Hit by Cars
There are many ways in which a pedestrian may sustain injuries when hit by a car. These are some of the most common ones:
Head Injuries
A pedestrian can hit both the car and the pavement during the accident, injuring their head. This can lead to traumatic brain injuries, brain damage, swelling, loss of consciousness, cognitive impairment, chronic pain, and loss of sensation. Treating these injuries may mean a lifetime of medical appointments, and therapies, as well as a diminished quality of life.
Injuries to the Spinal Cord
When the pedestrian is hit in the back and thrown to the ground, the spinal cord can get damaged. Injuries in these cases may include partial or complete paralysis, loss of bladder or bowel control, loss of sensation, and chronic pain. Getting immediate medical attention is crucial to get the patient as comfortable as possible and for therapies and other treatments to start. In many cases, the victim may require permanent help to perform even the most basic activities of daily life.
Bone Fractures
Having one or more broken bones is common when hit by a moving car. These can cause severe pain, swelling, deformity, and disability. Even the simplest bone fracture can take weeks or months to heal and the patient must deal with inflammation and constant pain.
Internal Injuries
The main problem with internal injuries is that they may not be immediately evident to the victim. That is why getting a complete medical checkup after being in an accident is crucial. Your doctor may discover that you have internal bleeding or that one or more of your organs have been damaged. These may be your kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, and others. They may result in organ failure, shock, and death.
As a pedestrian, if you have been injured by a car, you must seek immediate medical attention. The extent and severity of your injuries may be greater than you can imagine, and it is your priority to recover your health. Let us handle the legal aspects of your case so that you can focus on your health. We will fight to get you the compensation to which you might be entitled to cover your medical expenses, the wages you have lost by being unable to return to work, and your pain and suffering. If you have been experienced an accident as a pedestrian in Miami, Hialeah, or anywhere in South Florida, schedule a consultation today and let us get started on your defense.